Save Wisconsin's GAR Hall Project
Boscobel GAR Hall
John McDermott G.A.R. Hall of Boscobel, Wis.

Brother Gary Young has been designated by Boscobel Grand Army of the Republic Hall Preservationists, Inc. as their agent for the Save Wisconsin's GAR Hall Project.

After 130 years, and over 100 years of use as a meeting hall for GAR Members, Woman's Relief Corps #32 (they have met there continuously since 1896), the Oddfellows, and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Boscobel's John McDermott Post #101 Grand Army of the Republic Hall is being challenged structurally. A failing foundation affected by local and internal development indicate a major project is necessary if the Hall is to survive in this century. The Hall structure is sagging significantly due to the deterioration of the foundational supports and inadequacy of drainage under and around the structure. This has caused damage to the interior walls and raises significant concern as to the long term viability of the structure and the protection of its contents.

The project concept proposes to place a solid foundation under the Hall (a basement that will permit us to effect a dry environment under the Hall), removing the furnace room (challenges the loadbearing capability of the structure) from the 2nd floor meeting hall to the basement, adding 8ft to the first floor of the structure to permit the installation of a stairway to the basement (does not disrupt or invade the interior of the Hall), and repair damage experienced to interior walls and ceilings.

Brother Young's charter calls for him to apply for placement of the Hall on the National Register of Historic Places and to seek grants for the project work necessary to save this wonderful artifact of Boscobel, Wisconsin, and American history.

The simple administration of these tasks can be expensive at the outset, and time is not on our side. The need to undertake these major repairs is urgent. If we had the funds by midsummer, we could not break ground before spring of 2005. We estimate the total requirement at something less than $200,000, but all the bids are not in. If you want to help save OUR GAR Hall, please send donations to the Boscobel GAR Hall Preservationists, c/o Loretta Hooker, Secretary/Treasurer, 4816 Rothman Place, Monona, WI 53716-2010. The Preservationists are a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are tax deductible.

For more information or other offers of help, contact Brother Gary Young at 1004 Chestnut Street, Boscobel, WI 53805, or call 608-375-5765.

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Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department of Wisconsin


Comments to Dept. Signals Officer

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