Wisconsin's Civil War Memorials
Watertown's Tribute to her Soldier Dead, 1861-1865

Located in Watertown's Veterans Park, on Milwaukee Street between 3rd and 4th Streets. The monument consists of a tall obelisk topped by a spread winged Federal eagle, flanked on north and south sides by an infantryman in a kepi and an officer in a brimmed hat. The monument is mounted on 5-stepped pedestal cornered by upright cannon barrels. Inscription reads "Watertown's Tribute To Her Soldier Dead 1861 - 1865". The memorial was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lewis, and was dedicated on Decoration Day -- May 30, 1899.
Watertown, Wis. Civil War memorial
Watertown Civil War memorial
Watertown, Wis. Civil War memorial
Photos and text submitted by PCinC Steve Michaels and John L. Opager Jr.

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Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department of Wisconsin


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