Wisconsin's Civil War Memorials Marinette Civil War Memorial The Soldier's Memorial was dedicated May 30, 1917, | |
On last Memorial Day, one of the spectators at the Memorial exercises in Forest Home Cemetery was Jacob Wittig. At the conclusion of the services, he remarked to a well known Marinette resident: "It is a shame that our soldier dead are marked by headstones only about the size of that which we place over the graves of deceased paupers." That remark was mostly endorsed by the w.k.M.r. with the suggestion that Mr. Wittig ought to start the movement for a soldiers memorial. This Mr. Wittig did. From this little beginning grew the movement, which is to result finally in the beautiful and impressive memorial shown above. The memorial is to cost with appurtenances complete about $2,500. It is hoped to secure this amount. The construct price for the memorial proper is $2,250...but additional funds are needed to prepare the site and take care of the impressive exercises that are being arranged for that day. The memorial is to be dedicated on May 30 next and the program is now being arranged by the memorial commission. There will be a distinguished public speaker to deliver the address of dedication. A chorus of 100 voices will sing. Before the exercises there will be a procession of all the fraternal and civic organizations of the city. It will be the greatest patriotic demonstration Marinette has ever witnessed. The Soldiers Memorial is to be surmounted by the figure of a soldier at parade rest, the statue to be hewn from pink Westerly granite, the finest statue granite in the United States. The sub structure on which the statue rests will be oblong, built of three blocks of granite on two granite bases, the entire superstructure resting on a concrete base six feet deep. The memorial will bear the inscription on the base, "In memory of our soldier dead," and the center block will bear on its front surface, a splendid representation of the Stars and Stripes surmounted by an eagle in flight." From the Marinette Eagle Star, February 14, 1917: Ex-Senator Isaac Stephenson has contracted with the Appleton Marble & Granite Co. to build a soldiers monument for Stephenson Isle in this city. The monument is to be in place May 30, if possible, for Memorial Day dedication. It is to be of Barre white granite 25 feet high, the figure eight feet and the base, 12. The plans for Stephenson Isle park, given to the city by the former senator, have not been completed, but it is known that he has in mind the construction of a bridge from the island to Riverside avenue. It will make a beautiful river resort for both Marinette and Menomonee. Submitted by Andy Bilodeau
With thanks to Pat Korsuth, Stephenson Public Library, Marinette | |
![]() Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Department of Wisconsin
Comments to Steve Michaels <banner@suvcw.org>
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