The Last Soldier Project: Sawyer County, Wis. Egbert P. Fullington |
Sawyer County Record, 4 May 1939 E.P. Fullington, last of the Civil War veterans in Sawyer County, passed away at the farm home of his son Lloyd in the Town of Round Lake on Sunday morning, April 30, 1939, at the age of 97 years, five months and 16 days, from infirmities. Mr. Fullington was born in Bakersfield, Vermont in 1841, and at the age of nine years he moved with his parents to Elgin, Illinois where he lived for two years, then going to Alexandria, Minn., and from there he came to Richland County, Wisconsin. He came to Hayward in 1915. When the Civil War began in 1861 he was among the first to enlist to fight for his country. He entered the service as a member of the 12th Wisconsin Battery. He had many a narrow escape from death during the years he served in the army and his bravery had few equals. One of the noted epochs of his military career was when he and six of his soldier buddies defended a consignment of cotton which was taken from the Confederates and again tried to be taken by Quantrel and his gorilla warfare gang. Whenever "Dad" Fullington, as he was familiarly called by all who knew him, would speak of the many battles in which he was engaged, his dark eyes would sparkle with enthusiasm. He was numbered among the few who has traveled in every means of conveyance known in our time. He was united in marriage in 1886 at Springwater, Minnesota. His wife preceded him in death in 1923 at the age of 65 years. To this union four children were born, two sons and two daughters; Lloyd, the son at whose home Mr. Fullington passed away; Mrs. William Henchel, whose farm home is not far from the home in which her father passed away; Ethel, who resided at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; and Warren, who preceded his father in death in 1905. In the passing of Mr. Fullington this community has been deprived of the association and counsel of one of its most noted citizens. He arrived at a time when there were no railroads, telephones or telegraph, but lived to see the progress of civilization up to the present day conveniences and always conformed to the rapid pace science was making. The memory of Mr. Fullington will ever be pleasing to those who knew him well. He often said, We all have acquaintances, but we choose our friends, and I want to be a friend to everyone." The funeral was held from the Congregational Church on Wednesday at 2:00 o'clock, Rev. R.J. Barnes officiating. The Hayward American Legion, Butler-Lindner Post No. 218, conducted military rites at the grave. The Alexander Funeral Home had charge of arrangements. The Record joins with the many friends of the grand old man in extending sympathy to sorrowing relatives. Card of Thanks -- Mrs. Wm. Henchel and family; Lloyd Fullington and family; and Ethel Fullington.
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Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Department of Wisconsin
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